Gridrunner Revolution
(2)Ø 3.5
Gridrunner Revolution is a game which has evolved over 27 years. The original Gridrunner games were created for the Commodore 64 and Vic-20 back in 1982. The company that made the games, Llamasoft, are now one of the longest established game developers in existence and over the intervening years have done pioneering work in the field of music visualization as well as developing genre-defining games such as Tempest 2000 and the extraordinary Space Giraffe. Gridrunner Revolution takes some core ideas from those old Commodore games and extrapolates them forward to create a game that is both modern and exceptionally beautiful. The gameplay goes way beyond mere shooting and leads players to score highly by engaging with the game's mechanic to produce aesthetically pleasing abstract graphics “performances” as they play. Several game modes are included, along with simulations of the original Vic and C64 games so that players can see for themselves the game's history and how it has evolved in the 21st century.
Minotaur Arcade Volume 1
(0)Ø 2.5
Minotaur Arcade brings you arcade-style games with a modern twist, playable in 2D or in VR for that 80s Tron "inside an arcade game" feeling. Vol. 1 consists of two Llamasoft classics - "Gridrunner" as the arcade game that might have been, and "GoatUp" as a light-hearted platformer that will have you baaing...
Moose Life
(1)Ø 3.9
Moose Life is a trippy, psychedelic trance shooter. Created in the style of a 1980s arcade game, Moose Life offers you an exhilarating ride into the trance zone. Spectacular shooty action and a top techno soundtrack will raise your mood. If you have VR, immerse yourself for greater satisfaction.
(0)Ø 2.5
Polybius is the latest trance-shooter from the creators of Tempest 2000 and TxK, Llamasoft.
Space Giraffe
(4)Ø 3
Space Giraffe is an abstract action arcade style game that takes place in a succession of beautiful environments generated by an advanced graphics synthesizer. It presents itself as a shooter but the more you play the more you discover the hidden depths and strategies that make the gameplay satisfyingly rich and rewarding. This is the boldest evolution of the trance-shooter, created by the company that helped to define the genre with the groundbreaking “Tempest 2000”.
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