In the Kung Fu Panda video game, players embark on an epic, action-packed adventure as they master the specialized Kung Fu fighting styles of Po the Panda, the unlikely hero, his teacher Shifu, and the legendary Kung Fu masters, the Furious Five: Monkey, Tigress, Viper, Mantis and Crane. Through 13 legendary levels from the movie and beyond, and spanning land, water and air, players must work their way to become the Dragon Warrior and defeat the ultimate enemy, Tai Lung, as they battle a variety of foes, overcome dangerous obstacles, navigate multi-tiered environments and solve challenging puzzles.
Featuring a deep variety of gameplay, unique co-op and competitive multiplayer modes, collectibles, and a host of character upgrades, the Kung Fu Panda video game provides an experience gamers of all ages will enjoy.
Game based on the second movie, developed by the makers of Vigilante 8. Shrek is on a journey to meet his in-laws, so Shrek 2 follows his adventure to Far Away Land and the chaos that ensues once Fiona's parents learn that their precious daughter is an ogre -- and is married to the crudest of them all. Shrek 2 features a mixture of puzzle solving and enemy bashing. Players are able to control one of four characters at any given time -- swapping between them at will. Each character has a set of basic attack moves and a special ability. Donkey has a "Burro Blast" that can knock down large objects, Shrek can pick up and throw heavy objects, and Fiona -- in a nod to her fight scene in the first movie -- can slow down time, Matrix-style.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is set a few years after the defeat of Megatron in the first game. The game is a linear third-person shooter that puts the player in control of many of the main characters from the movie, shifting between both Autobot and Decepticon factions.
Be a good cop or a bad cop in the streetwise action game True Crime: New York City. You can explore the authentically modeled streets of New York City as a police officer tracking down criminals and administering justice. The game features a diverse weapon set, as well as a mixed offering of fighting styles that you can use to take out those who stand in your way. In addition to combat on foot, the game features driving sequences and shootouts. Laurence Fishburne, Christopher Walken, and Mickey Rourke contribute their voice talent to the game as well.