In the year 2022, Lindoso Anomaly, the terrible oilyman, invaded gyms and
bodybuilding stages worldwide with his evil oil...
But only these five bodybuilders can save the muscle world from the eternal oil:
Torugu, Big Uncle, Philip Flango, Raymond, and Stronger.
"Apocalipse Maromba" is a quick 2D platform shooter game inspired by memes
from the Brazilian bodybuilding and fitness universe, with its main objective on
making the player smile! This is a parody that combines comedy, bodybuilding, and
fun, without using real names, images, or brands.

The developers describe the content like this:
The characters in this game are bodybuilding athletes, and for this reason, they wear swimsuits and bathing attire. Furthermore, due to the inclusion of bodybuilding in a satirical manner, this game features satire related to the use of pharmacological ergogenic aids and employs double entendres with a touch of humor, without offending or denigrating any specific class or group.