

8 minutes past 8 on the 8th August 1988, the world teeters on the brink of total annihilation! Dr. H8's demands are simple. Pay 88 octillion dollars within 88 hours or 88 thermo-nuclear warheads pointed directly at earth will be launched. The 88th president of earth calls for urgent crisis talks! 88 leaders from 88 countries around the world are summoned to the Octo-office. With the planet bankrupt, paying the ransom is not an option. Only one possible course of action is left to take. Infiltrate Dr. H8's evil super lairs and retrieve the 8 digit coordinates to locate his space base and destroy it once and for all! Only a team of superheroes so daring, so heroic, SO STUPID!?? could possibly pull this off! BUT WHO? “POWERBOTS”? - low on battery. “SOLAR NINJAS”? - no work visa's. “DINO-RANGERS”? - extinct! Desperate times call for desperate measures! A reluctant call goes out.. DAMMIT! they're available! THE “88 HEROES” - eighty-eight of the strangest and seemingly most pointless superheroes ever to grace the face of the earth. "THEY CALLED THE BEST, BUT THE BEST WERE BUSY!"
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Windows All Versions (x86_64)
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Release date
2017-03-24 00:00:00
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