

Celesia- a world once rich and abundant with a source of power known as "energi." This same energi was not only the foundation, but also the origin of all life. And from its blessing, Celesia grew bright and prosperous. Everyone had believed its radiant, white light would never dim. However, their faith was shattered when another energi appeared in the world and began to alter everything as they knew it. Its darkness of blackest black obliterated the light and beckoned only chaos and destruction... Its influence like the gloaming was called "black energi" and both feared and hated. And under the ruling Emperor of the time, it was ordered purged from the face of Celesia. Along with those infected by it...
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Windows All Versions (x86_64)
Nintendo Switch (x86_64)
Xbox One (x86_64)
Release date
2015-04-19 00:00:00
Involved companies

34 games

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