

245 million years of evolution collide when a starship crashes, releasing hoards of furious Jurassic beasts into the parks, sewers and streets. Eradicate the escaped carnivores or play the dinosaur and stomp, claw and bite your way to freedom. Developed by Sunstorm Interactive, Carnivores: Cityscape offers up a furious first-person experience with a malevolent motive--the dinosaurs can now fight back, and for the first time, players can assume the role of their favorite carnivore. Whether thrashing a subway or blasting through a pack of prehistoric flesh, Carnivores: Cityscape magnifies the on-screen mayhem with multiplayer functionality that supports cooperative play and head-to-head "Dinomatch."
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Windows All Versions (x86_64)
Release date
2002-04-25 00:00:00
Involved companies

47 games

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