

You play the role of a forest ranger who was sent on a rescue mission and ended up trapped on an island whose climate has suffered mysterious and drastic changes. Massive blizzards, freezing temperatures, and hungry predators are some of the dangers that threaten your survival. This is the core experience of Northern Lights. In less than a second, you find yourself helpless in front of the unforgiving Siberian wilderness. From being the hunter, you became the hunted. Stranded far from any human habitation, you have to endure the harsh arctic conditions, hunt for supplies, investigate the mystery and find a way to escape the island. There is no manual to show you how to survive. Your success depends on getting out there and using all your abilities to master necessary wilderness survival skills.
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Windows All Versions (x86_64)
Release date
2020-12-14 00:00:00
This is an early access version of Striked. Please note that some pages are not available yet or may not function properly.