

You're looking to start a business – but what? You decide power washing is super satisfying and you'd like to turn it into a full time gig. You put your good friend Harper Shaw, a bargain hunter and auction lot buyer up to the task of finding you the perfect vehicle for your new enterprise. Through completing various jobs, you get to know the citizens of Muckingham, the small town in which the game is set, helping wash away their various problems. Figuratively... and literally! The first client you are introduced to is Cal, Harper Shaw's new disgruntled neighbour. They are a volcanologist, who’s moved back into town to study Mount Rushless, the local volcano, and to help look after his ageing parents. He's so worked up as he bought a house without even looking at a picture of the back garden. He thinks the previous owners might have even owned rhinos it's that dirty...
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Windows All Versions (x86_64)
PlayStation 5 (x86_64)
Nintendo Switch (x86_64)
Xbox One (x86_64)
Release date
2021-05-19 00:00:00
Involved companies
Square Enix
Square Enix

169 games


2 games

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