

“Princess Isabella: The Rise of an Heir” tells the story of a captivating adventure in which the beautiful heiress Bella and her magical friends must face a scary, power-hungry witch whose agenda is shrouded in mystery. This captivating story begins with an evil spell turning the protagonists mother into stone. Our young princess, who is the only legitimate heiress to the throne, narrowly escapes the same scary fate! Thanks to her magical friends (a family of fairies and a dragon whos nurtured Bella since she was a child), the princess is temporarily safe. Now she needs to put on her detective hat and look for clues to the whereabouts of her mother in cleverly designed hidden object scenes and exciting mini games! Bella will embark on a scary adventure in order to free the kingdom from the clutches of the evil witch. Her journey will take her through many beautiful hand drawn locations, where countless mysteries, mini games, puzzles, and hidden object challenges wait to be solved! Will Bella succeed? Will the reigns return to the hands of the rightful ruler?
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Windows All Versions (x86_64)
Release date
2016-05-12 00:00:00
Involved companies

4 games

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