

Hello, my friends! This is my first game. Why I make it on RPG Maker? Because I`m not a programmer, neither an artist, so in my humble opinion this game constructor is ideal for the first game. It's not necessary to make an epic RPG, then you can make a simple story about an ordinary people."Simple Story - Alex" - as you can guess by its name, it is a simple story about Alex the ordinary alcoholic. He lives a boring life, but dreaming to be a hero in a different world and dimension. One day, when he was leaving his house, Alex get teleported in a mystery temple. Is he sleeping? Or did his dreams come true? Or maybe something completely different occurred? You should find an answer. Game features:• Short game length. You can complete the game in under half an hour, because in my opinion there is no reason to make such a story longer. You have a spare hour? Then you can enjoy it with this game.• Complicated story. During the game you wouldn't understand what's really going on, until the very end of the game.• The story is partially based on real events. Alex appearance and larger half of the story, based on my life.• Easter eggs. If you will look carefully, you should find few easter eggs, In this game.• There is no battle in this game, neither leveling, nor other attributes of ordinary jRPG. It is a linear story, carefully written by author.•Standard art. I decided to use only standart art, and try to focus on story, instead on graphic.• Possibility to use all surrounding items. Actually It is not only a possibility, but a necessary steps, to fully understand game story.
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