

Asposia is a mysterious world. Surrounded by the endless soil and against all laws of physics, Asposia is located in an enormous hollow space, which is ventilated solely through three big wind fountains. In this world lives Robert, a naive and cheerful novice of the last wind monestary. He lives quite an introspective, simple life as court musician in the shadows of his honored master and ideal Conroy. This changes abruptly, when suddenly one foun-tain after another runs dry and the Windgods befall peaceful Asposia. Now just Robert is in the center of unexpected events! Together with the mysterious thief Laura, best intentions and not the slightest clue Robert hits the road to solve the secret behind the disappearance of the winds. During his adventure he not only meets bizarre Asposians, but also really strange animals. In addition, Robert hast to solve tricky puzzles, which only could exist in Asposia. Is the young adventurer able to save his world? What are Laura's secrets? And why Robert has such a strange nose?
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Windows All Versions (x86_64)
Nintendo Switch (x86_64)
Xbox One (x86_64)
Release date
2013-07-18 00:00:00
Involved companies
Headup Games
Headup Games

65 games

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