

The game takes place on the western front between 1914 and 1918, in one of the bloodiest conflicts in world history. The developers were inspired by the infamous Battle of Verdun France in 1916. The game includes many historically accurate features such as realistic WW1 weaponry, authentic uniforms and maps based on the real battlefields of France and Belgium. The Frontlines game mode is unique in its tactical complexity. The realistic trenches are challenging to fight in and require tactical cunning to capture and defend. The Entente and Central Powers strive to gain control of frontline sectors. One battle you're rushing the enemy trenches during an offensive battle in order to gain ground. In another battle you might be defending your recently conquered ground against an enemy counter-attack.
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Windows All Versions (x86_64)
PlayStation 5 (x86_64)
Xbox One (x86_64)
Release date
2015-04-28 00:00:00
Involved companies
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