The Use of Video Games in Military Training and Strategy

2023-04-11 15:00:003 min. Read time0 Comments

Video games have come a long way since their inception, and their uses have expanded beyond entertainment. One such use is in military training and strategy. Many countries around the world have recognized the value of video games in military training and have incorporated them into their programs.

Group of soldiers playing video games

The military has long used simulations to train soldiers, but with the advent of modern video games, simulations have become more realistic and immersive. Video games offer a level of interactivity that traditional simulations cannot match, allowing soldiers to develop skills in a way that is more engaging and memorable.

A soldier playing Arma

One game that has been particularly successful in this regard is Arma 3. Developed by Bohemia Interactive, Arma is a tactical military simulation game that allows players to experience realistic combat scenarios. The game has been used by various military organizations around the world, including the United States Marine Corps and the Australian Defence Force, to train their soldiers in urban warfare, convoy operations, and other tactical scenarios. You can find more information about this here.

Arma 3 Gameplay

Another game that has found a place in military training is Full Spectrum Warrior. Originally developed as a commercial video game, Full Spectrum Warrior was later adapted for use by the U.S. Army as a training tool. The game focuses on squad-based tactics and emphasizes the importance of communication and teamwork.

Video games are not only useful for training soldiers; they can also be valuable for developing strategic thinking. In games like StarCraft, players are forced to make split-second decisions that can have far-reaching consequences. The game requires players to manage resources, build structures, and command armies while trying to outsmart their opponents. These skills are directly applicable to military strategy, where quick thinking and the ability to adapt to changing situations are essential.

In addition to their usefulness in training and strategy, video games can help soldiers cope with the stress of combat. Many soldiers suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of their experiences, and video games can provide a healthy way for them to process their emotions. Games like Minecraft, which allow players to create and explore virtual worlds, can be particularly therapeutic. Check here for more information.

Of course, video games are not a perfect solution to all the challenges facing the military. They can be expensive to develop and maintain, and there is always the risk of technical failure. In addition, video games should not be seen as a replacement for traditional training methods; they should be used in conjunction with other training methods to provide a well-rounded educational experience.

In summary, the use of video games in military training and strategy has proven to be a valuable asset in preparing soldiers for real-world scenarios. By immersing themselves in virtual environments that simulate combat, soldiers can improve their decision-making skills, reaction times, and situational awareness. In addition, video games can be used to train soldiers in various tasks, such as driving, flying, and operating military equipment, which can be costly and dangerous to simulate in real life. In the future, the use of video games in military training is expected to continue to grow, providing more realistic and effective training methods - especially regarding ever improving VR solutions.

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