Games as a Playground for Architectural Concepts

2023-06-13 15:41:003 min. Read time0 Comments

Architecture has always been a fascinating art form. In the realm of video games, there are no boundaries to architecture and virtual worlds. In this blog post, we take a journey through some of the most remarkable architectural masterpieces in video games.

The Citadel - Mass Effect:

A gigantic space station that serves as a central harbor for various alien races. You can move freely through the different levels of the station without being affected by the normal restrictions of gravity. By using gravitational fields, an artificial gravity is created that varies in strength in the different sections of the citadel.

Anor Londo - Dark Souls:

The architecture of Anor Londo is marked by Gothic influences, with high towers, ancient ornaments and Gothic bows. The city rises majestically over the game world. The massive structures and precise details create a sense of amazement and an oppressive atmosphere that enhances the dark and mysterious mood in Dark Souls.

City 17 - Half-Life 2:

City 17 is a dystopian city that has been occupied by an alien race called the Combine, who oppress the human population living there. A feature of City 17 is the presence of surveillance cameras, sentry posts and barriers that can be found throughout the city. In the center is the headquarters and control center of the alien race. Its architecture conveys a sense of oppression, threat and observation. It symbolizes the Combine's superiority and control over the people of City 17.

The Grand Palace - Dishonored 2:

In the game, The Grand Palace functions as a political center while symbolizing the power and wealth of the ruling elite. The building emphasizes the clear contrast between wealth and poverty, which is a central theme in Dishonored 2. While the rulers live in luxury inside the palace, the poorer population outside the palace gets oppressed by them.

The Grand Palace has modern features that give it a unique character. It has white, minimalist facades with sharp angles and geometric shapes and serves as an interesting example of luxurious modern architecture.

Solitude - The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim:

Solitude is an impressive example of nordic architecture. The city is strategically placed on a natural rock. The placement of the city creates a natural barrier that makes it difficult for attackers to reach the city from the land side. Solitude's location also has economic advantages. The city is located directly on the sea and has a harbor that facilitates trade and the exchange of goods.

Last Words:

Architecture in video games often goes beyond the boundaries of reality. It allows creative visions to unfold and unique concepts to be created. It is more than just a visual element. It plays an active role in shaping the game world and influences the experiences and emotions of the players. Overall, architecture is an important part of the gaming experience. It opens up the possibility for us to explore impressive virtual worlds and to lose ourselves in breathtaking architectural buildings.

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